Monday, March 09, 2009

Day Twenty One: Flotsam and Jetsam

One thing that I have enjoyed about reading Surprise Me is that it isn't a "how to" book or even one of deep spiritual weavings. It is just a guy's daily journal of where he saw God throughout His day. In the everyday, predictable routines or the moments that really seemed to stand out, its all there. I think my favorite thing about it is that in reading the journal, I find a LOT of my same thoughts on his pages. For example, guilt for wanting at least one "knock your socks off" surprise instead of just being satisfied with what has been given. Or looking back over a day and not really being able to pen point exactly what it was. Or being taken aback by how tangible He seemed to be one day. Or to be mid-writing and BAM, there it comes out of left field. (Side note, if anyone decides to take this on, I HIGHLY recommend journaling about it daily - blog or privately. Most of the time, you don't even realize what God did throughout the day until you sit down to digest it.) It just continues to amaze me that even though we are all so different, we are innately similar.

Here's another thing about these 30 days. You spend all day on your toes looking for how God is going to surprise you. Since you are looking for it all day, your mind is on Him all day long. I have grown to think that is the point of it all. When you are living in anticipation of God, knowing that He really is in every moment of every day, you will be amazed at what you will see. Everywhere you look is a lesson to be learned or an ah-ha to be had or just or awareness of Him. The majority of it depends on you. How much do you want to see God? How much effort do you put into getting into the richness of Him? How much credit do we give Him when life takes certain turns?

Example: I have a little girl that I adore in my class. Today we both wore yellow shirts and black pants. We took a matchy-matchy picture that I wish I could post on here in the worst way. (Darn privacy laws! It's really too cute for words!) Immediately, I was surrounded by all 12 of my girls wanting to know what I am wearing tomorrow so we can all match and take pictures. It's quite humbling to know that all of those little eyes are watching you wanting to be just like you. You really hope you aren't doing anything to permanently scar them. And not just my 12 girls but my 5 boys as well. I lay a hand on each one as they walk in my room each morning and pray blessings on them and grace on me. It makes we think about verses talking about being transformed into His likeness and I feel the weight of that with every glance of those 34 eyes. I have such a long way to go! Now who would think to see God in a matchy-matchy picture? I wouldn't if I hadn't been looking for it.

Or that it was a GORGEOUS day today and we had a wonderful recess. The flowers are starting to bloom and God is bringing the earth back to life again. The air is crisp and the kids got along. What a Creator we have! Glory be!

Or that yesterday I went to check Erin's blog and her random daily scripture was exactly the one I needed to be praying and didn't have the words for.

And that's not even the tip of the iceberg. So let me just encourage you to keep your eyes open. There is presence with you all the time if we just open our spiritual eyes to see Him.

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