Thursday, October 05, 2006


I just finished doing yoga for the first time. Offically - I love it! It was harder than I was expecting but so worth it! I haven't felt this relaxed and still in a while. Everything feels as it should be - physically and mentally. I was so aware of my body and its capabilities. I felt like as soon as I gave it my full attention, everything else started melting away around me. During the deep relaxation, all I could think was that it was all very beautiful.

I'm also trying to get back on my diet. It's hard but I know how good it is for me. It makes me so much more aware of what I am putting into my body. I physically feel better and clearer.

I've noticed that, lately, I say things are beautiful quite a bit. It makes me smile to see the good and beauty in the world around me. Looks like I'm seeing it more and more each day. I find it all very cleansing and my breath is swept away.

Wow - I sound hippie-ish. That makes me smile. :)


Jackie said...

my sweet dana,
welcome home. i have missed you.
love, jackie

jenn said...

that was beautiful! and "clearly" you are a dork!