Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Odd Day

There is a little girl in my class that I have been working with all year. She has been a handful to say the least. It was in the plans to get her moved to another campus starting on Monday but today was quite a day. Talk about meltdowns like we haven't seen all year long. After several of those, one of my co-workers told me that she has been suspended from school for the next two days. Basically, we were saying goodbye in a matter of two hours, NOT two days! It was crazy trying to get everything packed up and all of the farewells said. I actually got two hugs which can be either a relief or very unexpected depending upon the day.

I always have a hard time saying goodbye to my students - no matter how much work they are. We had a pretty big ARD for her today (11 in attendance) and it was such a blessing. We were talking about where she was in relation to how we started the year. We could actually see progress! It was bittersweet because we had been so busy just trying to survive the last couple of weeks and we somehow missed all of the growth that had occurred. Unfortunately, it just wasn't enough.

So today was the first goodbye of this first year in first grade. She is on to better things and we will be too. So many of my thoughts (and a part of my heart) go with her.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I'm so glad this day finally arrived - not just for you, but for her as well. As you say, she will be in a more appropriate place for her education, but she will not have anyone ever who worked as hard as you did.

I'm very proud of you.