Tuesday, January 23, 2007

What Do You Dream About?

I love to dream. 90% of the time I remember them. Sometimes they are way off in left field and other times they are so vibrant. There are dreams where all five senses were fully activated. I know they say that can't happen in a dream but I have actually smelled and tasted things. Half the time I am left wondering if something happened in real life or just in my subconscious. The other half of the time I feel like I have just walked through a Tim Burton movie (think Big Fish). Seeing that I am procrastinating getting some work done, I thought I would share a few of my personal favorites. Get ready...they're a doozy!
  • The Pleasanton church decides to install a water slide instead of a baptistery in order to attract more people to the services. Johnny Rosenauer dresses in a straw hat, pink and white striped pants, and a green Hawaiian shirt to unveil the slide. The whole time, he is speaking in a Jamaican accent.
  • We are on a family vacation on the set of Star Trek (thanks, Dad). We go through a door and find that we weren't on a set but were on the Enterprise. We discover this because as we go through the door, we are walking on the hull of the ship (wearing gravity boots, of course). I walk to the edge and look over. All I can see from all around me are stars in EVERY direction. I get really dizzy but thanks to the boots, I don't fall over. We "play" with the the fact that we don't have gravity.
  • I am in HEB with a friend. We get tired and walk to the back of the store. We remove all of the milk (don't remember where it went) and lay down on the bottom "shelf". We talk for a while and then take a nap.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Honey, honey - that was no dream about Star Trek; we did that when you were about 5!! :)

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with those weird dreams! Sometimes, I just shake my head!