Sunday, January 21, 2007

Handing it over

Jeff has decided to give the world of contemporary Christian music a chance so I offered to lend him a few cds. As I was putting them in a bad this morning, I started getting a little panicked. I know this may sound quite silly to some of you but give me a chance to explain.

When someone asks to hear a type of music for the first time, you want to give them the best. First impressions are so important! For me, the best are a very valuable set of songs. They are songs that have expressed the groanings of my spirit. They had flooded my eyes with tears of joy and tears of repentance. They have brought me to my knees. They mark milestones in my faith where there was growth or renewal. If these songs can touch me as they do, they might do the same for him. So I sucked it up and put them in the bag knowing full well that I will get them back. In the end, I handed over Bebo Norman, Nichole Nordemon, Caedmon's Call, Chris Tomlin, and Chris Rice.

Jeff got the best of the best.

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