Thursday, January 25, 2007

Night and Day

Today I was making copies and some coworkers were discussing their anxiety about the upcoming writing test. They discussed what they have been doing and how exhausted they are. One made the comment that she would pray to God if all else failed. I just stared at the papers coming out of the machine. What a HUGE difference between the two of us. All I could think about was how she had inadvertantly made prayer and God a last resort. I've been praying all year. My mindset set is that I pray because I know all else will fail. He is the only one who can carry my anxiety and weaknesses. How sad for her!

1 comment:

andrew said...

When you make pray a (the) priority everything else just falls into place. Yes, there will be good times and bad, jubiliations and tribulations, frustrations and justifications, but w/ prayer a (the) priority, everythign will be okay. Some will say that you really to not need to pray for something that is not of an immediate concern, like the writing test. I guarantee that if you make prayer important, the time and circumstances leading up to the event will be alot easier to handle.

Learned this from experience. God taught me, I listened, I applied his lessons and learned.