Thursday, February 02, 2012


I'm not sure if it is cheating to have more than one picture of the day. I'm not sure if it is cheating to use photos taken previously to define a day. Both are true of today's post. Good thing you all love me.....

While I was in Singapore, I spent my last afternoon there hanging out with Caleb and Levi. We made cards for Jen because within minutes of her heading to the airport, she was missed. Like all moms are. As we were straightening up, I noticed this card sitting on a shelf:

I read it and thought, "Yes!" I have thought about it each day since I read it. It has made a HUGE difference in my attitude and outlook. SO many times, people ask me how I am doing in Cairo - Am I safe? Am I happy? What will I do after my contract is up? I simply answer with, Yes. Yes. and Who knows? All very honest and peaceful answers. Why? Because I am learning what it means to be content. I'm still working on the first one and am currently practicing the last one because......

Last night was a big event for the country of Egypt. Riots broke out at the close of a soccer game and the dominos that have fallen since then have been big. People are sad, angry, and frustrated. Therefore, they have taken to the streets - again. There are rumors about what tomorrow after noon prayer will hold but do not worry, we are away from the area where this will happen. So tonight, it feels as if this holds true again:

In my part of town, people painted graffiti all around the softball fields after the revolution. Some are beautiful. Some are heartbreaking. Some are honest. This one is a call to stand up for today.

Keep up with Egypt using Al Jazeera English's Egypt Live Blog.

1 comment:

Mindi Tipps said...

We have so much to be content about, why do we find it so hard? So glad you are figuring it out!