Monday, September 04, 2006

Random Thoughts by Dana

OK everyone, hold on tight! This is going to be shooting left and right because I have just a little so say about several different things. I'll try to keep to one paragraph per subject. Enjoy and comment if you agree or disagree.

College football began to a great start! My Aggies won! WHOOP!!! Overall, the Big 12 looks good (minus Baylor and Colorado). It was a beautiful day. However...I have to admit something terrible. I'm beginning in to enjoy Texas football. I KNOW - I think that hell just froze over! I think that living so close to Austin is having its effects. Yet, what's the harm in enjoying raw athletic talent? Well, at least I know one thing for sure - I'm bleeding maroon every Thanksgiving!

Ok Ladies, this one is for you. (I specify ladies because I don't think that men have this problem. If y'all do, let me know!) I own two pair of jeans. One hangs on by the belt so they don't fall off and the other is so faded that they look discolored (and they are turning into high-waters). So I looked at my budget and decided to go get new jeans yesterday. Talk about a nightmare! Outlet malls on Labor Day weekend - shoot me now! But anyway...Does anyone remember the days when jeans did NOT have stretch material in them? I detest the stuff but they were in EVERY pair that I tried on! (If you have seen the outlet malls here in San Marcos, you would understand just how many places there are to try on jeans! The only place I didn't go was to Cavendars but let's look at this thought - me in western clothes - ha ha ha! Sorry, that created a funny mental image.) I usually don't buy something that I don't like but I did yesterday out of sheer neccessity. Maybe some company somewhere will realize that not all women want their jeans to stretch! GRRRRRR!!!!!! Why can't people just get it right?

Anyone who knows me knows that I have this thing with smells. In the car, in my apartment, at random places...I am aware of the way things smell (so if you are curious about a smell - let me know). I think one of my favorite smell memories was about a year ago. Jamie and Todd took my car to get the oil changed for me and Jamie picked me up from work. I opened the door and the very first words out of my mouth were, "What's that smell?" Not "Hello", not "How are you", not "Thanks for taking car of my car today". It was about the smell that Todd's left overs left in my car. It's a sickness - I know! So this doesn't just work with food smells. It's everything. My neighbors smoke so I can't open my windows in the apartment. I like candles but don't use them often. I don't have a car freshener because they are so strong. I love my perfume but I forget to put it on. I said all of that to say this. I made brownies for a pot luck yesterday and the smell hit me as soon as I got home (OK that one wasn't so bad!). What is wrong with me that even the sweet smell of baking is unwanted!? Usually I like that greeting when I get home but not yesterday. I know...I'm a weirdo.

OK...enough revealing my quirks for one day. Have a good Labor Day!


The Johnsons said...

Sorry I missed you calls yesterday - you'll hear from me this afternoon. We'll have lots to talk about...

Jeans - yes! Finally one other person who HATES stretch in jeans. Not flattering, not comfortable. The only jeans I have found that do not have stretch and I like are about $75 (I haven't bought them yet) and they are probably at the outlet. Banana Republic's Contoured Boot Cut. Give them a try!

Smells - I think we get it from Papaw. Mom always said he smelled things like we do.

Amy said...

Well - I was going to lay the smell blame on Grandma LaMore. She probably has to have nasal therapy after coming here, because I'm very NOT aware of smell and don't think about others being sensitive.

Brownies, however... yummy smell!
Enjoy your day, sweet one!

Jackie said...

Dana, well having that smelling problem just stinks, huh? (you knew someone was going to say that I'll bet.) But about the jeans - - AMEN and preach it sister. If I wanted to have people remark on the severity of the hail storm that passed right over my thighs, I'd wear daisy dukes and make the whole world violently ill.

Cryssy said...

The smells thing....yeah, you're weird! I have smell issues too. that's how I know you're weird.

Jeans, why do we have to pay so much for something we hate so much. I love jeans...if they fit....which they never do. Wish I could make my own....

jenn said...

strech in jeans ARE yuck! AND they make jeans so low now that they barely cover up our "buzness" THAT is what drives me crazy about jeans!
and the smell thing---i'm just the opposite, I LIKE EM!