Tuesday, September 26, 2006

My new roommate

On Friday, I had training with my Balanced Literacy coach. She stopped at one point, clapped her hand against her forehead, and proceeded to tell us about how a cricket kept her awake all night long. I laughed at her for several reasons but mainly how silly it was to be upset over a cricket.

Tonight, the cricket that was in her hotel room has settled into my apartment. I don't know where he is but he must be happy because he is singing up a storm! The biggest difference between my coach and I is that I actually like the sound! (Much better than the car alarm that won't turn off!) It triggers memories of sleep outs at Blue Haven, the fields at the Royal's place, and laying in bed listening them outside my window. All peaceful and calming memories.

Funny how one person's annoyances can be another person's comforts.

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