Monday, September 25, 2006

A Collected Entry

This year I teach a 4th grade self contained class. We focus pretty hard on writing since it is tested in February. One of the things that we are learning through professional development is that our kids need to learn to write about the everyday because this is where we live and love. Our hearts are in the here and now. In order to model this, we are highly "encouraged" to write more. I've written about seeing Wicked for the first time, collecting coins with Dad, my most embarrassing moment (working up the courage to share that one), Annie, arriving in NYC, Mom and the wheat noodles, flying kites, swinging in the back yard, visits in Huntsville, Erin and the corn on the cob dream, getting kicked out of the Marriott, clean sheets, and crickets. This is the latest. Enjoy!

"This morning as I hit the snooze button, I was taken back in time.

It is a Tuesday morning and the wake up routine has begun. It follows a simple pattern but, like most things simple, it is very effective. First, the door swings open and a voice that I love calls out "Dana-nana". I groan back and Dad announces that it is time to get up. He steps away and I snuggle my cheek into the pillow. Two minutes later, I hear, "One....two....three!" and the room is flooded by the blinding light of my ceiling fan. Thankfully, I am still under the covers so over the head they go. A couple of minutes later, I hear the urgent "Dana! It's time to get up!" followed by the ripping back of sheets. I am immediately in the fetal position in the middle of my double bed - quite possibly the fastest movement known to man. This is a very vain attempt to keep warm under a fan rotating at full blast. Despite my being cold, I have the will power of an 11 year old and stay right in bed until....the sound of the opening refrigerator door reaches my ears. Based on past experience, I am confident that I know what will happen if I am not out of bed in the time it takes him to cross the house. Dad is armed with a loaded spray bottle that he keeps stored in the fridge for mornings such as today. I now have a very short amount of time to make a very major decision - stay in bed and get wet or get up still tired? Not a difficult decision but, unlike most mornings, it isn't made fast enough. I am met face to nozzle with a mist of ice cold spray. All I can think is that a super soaker wouldn't be that different right now. I squeal and am instantaneously awake. Dad grouses about how long it is starting to take to get me out of bed and I just laugh on the inside. Sure I could get out of bed right away but when else are you going to have a water fight with your dad first thing in the morning? Why would you even consider starting your day any other way?

Now, 15 years later, the alarm clock just doesn't beat dear, ol' Dad!"


Cryssy said...

You need to write more. I wish I had stories like that that I remember. I think I've blocked out most of my life.....

jenn said...

the getting out of bed stories are my favorite to remember. BUT i AM NOT and WAS NOT a morning person such as yourself. I loved waking up this weekend and be greeted my the morning person that you are!

The Johnsons said...

Ah... Cold water in the morning. You have fonder memories of that than I do. My favorite was dad jumping on the bed, eventually bouncing us out. Now that was fun.