Wednesday, September 13, 2006

In my room...

So I think I might have a small clue as to what is "off" in my apartment. My bedroom is dull.

My whole life, my bedroom has been my sanctuary. It has been a place of comfort, relaxation, and escape. I used to hole myself up in there for hours on end. I would just be alone and dive into the writer's side of my imagination. I never wrote anything down but I always had a story going in my mind to just take a break from life. I'd dream of what I wanted out of life and it was safe in there. No one could burst my bubble or disappoint me. I could shut the door, turn on a cd, and everything outside those four walls would melt away. Even if things weren't always put in their place, it was my room - set just as I liked it.

Right now, my bedroom is a place to sleep. I never take work in there so that part of my life is the only thing not affected by the job. But a place for relaxation and escape? Not so much. All that is in there are the essentials. The walls are white and naked. I have a mirror and the word "dream" hanging on my walls. That's it. No pictures, color, or reflections of me. Just a place to close my eyes each night and throw my clothes at the end of the day. Maybe if I could get that place of solitude back, I could make all of the stress fade away (or at least pretend it does).

Those Beach Boys were pretty smart guys.


Cryssy said...

So, slap some paint on the walls and get lots of great pictures...make some good family shots. Sounds like a plan to me!

Jackie said...

Your whole house is now your sancuary, huh? I think that's why I think it's so important to be happy/comfortable with your own place. When you were a girl, you did it with one room, now it's bigger.

jenn said...

well, you do have the aggie room! that's a nice place and not dull at all! but if you wnat some help fixing it up! I know a couple girls that might wanna come help you, we could maybe make a weekend out of it! have fun dreaming up ideas for it!