Monday, February 16, 2009

What's to Come

Before I get to the point of this post, can I just say.... I bought a cd for the first time in years yesterday and I sang/danced to it all the way home. I do love me some Israel and New Breed! How can anyone listen to that praise and sit still!? I seriously think that this was the music that David danced to before the Lord!

Moving on....

Tomorrow I am starting something new. A friend recommended a book a few weeks ago called Surprise Me by Terry Esau. The premise behind the book is that Esau decided to spend one month seeking God rather than putting himself before God. What that looked like for him was that his first and main prayer of the day was simply, "Surprise me, God". Then, throughout the day, he would look for God at work in everything from the mundane to the pivotal. The book is not only his personal journal of the 30 days but also a dare for others to complete the same experiment. I'm going to take the challenge and for 30 days, I'm going to pray "Surprise me, God". For each of the 30 days, I'm going to post what happens. I have no idea what to expect except that God will be there. What better way to spend a month? So stay tuned........


Darla said...

Oh, how exciting! I love surprises. Can't wait to hear about it.

jenn said...

I can't wait to see how greatly you are blessed in the next month.

The Johnsons said...

I'm not even reading the book but I am super excited! We should all look for God in our daily lives, right?! See you tonight!