Friday, April 03, 2009

Coorporate Worship

Since finishing Sacred Pathways, I have been thinking about the different ways that people worship and experience closeness with God. For some, it is the worship through song. Others anticipate times of prayer. The sermon, communion, fellowship before and after service, etc. are all parts of our time together worshipping our Father. No part of worship is more or less important than others. All aspects are significant and discussed in scripture. However, some personalities are more drawn to different aspects of worship than others.

For me, I really look forward to communion. If it were up to me, this would be the climax of our time together - breaking bread and remembering the life, sacrifice, teachings, and daily activity of Christ in our lives and in the lives of others. We would sing, pray, and study together in anticipation of the feast to come. I love the ways that different bodies observe this sacrament but I often feel like it is often left as a check list on the things to do to get to the next thing. There have been but a few times that I have really felt that a body hit the nail on the head with communion as a celebration and deeply significant part of worship. For me, it is the most important thing we do as a collective body. I believe that this is why we come together. Now, don't get me wrong...I do love me a good sermon full of original language with ties between the Old Testament and New. I love me a time of song that makes your soul feel like the only thing that is confining it to this earth is the body we are in. I can't imagine worship without any of these. However, when all of that good study/preaching and singing builds up to the purpose of gathering together (communion), that is just how my soul meets God best.

Now it is your turn. When the body joins together for cooperate worship, what aspect of the service do you look forward to the most? If you read this, I would really love for you to comment (even if you just happened to run across this blog for the first time today). It shouldn't take long. I'm going to leave this post up for a few days to give everyone time to weigh in. I'm just so curious about how you soul relates best to God. He is a great and creative God!!


Amy said...

I'm sure this will really surprise you, but the songs of worship make it or break it for me. As I have had to adjust to a weaker voice after surgery, I came to really enjoy listening - hearing - my brothers and sisters carrying my load for me as we praised. My heart was in it, but my vocal cords needed help!

Mindi Tipps said...

I have several. I really believe "worship" is what we do in our daily lives (Romans 12:1) not just when we assemble together. So my big one is Bible Study. I learn more about God and a whole lot about myself. As far as the assembly goes though, it's the singing and communion.

Cryssy said...

I agree with Mindi. Daily I worship...or at least make an attempt. But I do like to worship most in song. If my voice and memory was better, this would make it easier for me, but I often find myself singing when I focus on God and Jesus through the Holy Spirit. Sunday for me is more about the fellowship which includes the communion.

Jackie said...

Wow. Singing and Communion. It's too hard to seperate them, isn't it? At least for me. If the songs fall flat, the cummunion helps me to focus. If the communion is led by my less than favorite guy, the songs keep me focused. The sermon is ok, the praying is okay, but those are more my personal resposibility.

Wow. Good question.

Beth said...

In corporate worship, it's a package deal for me. Everything works together to bring praise to our God. However, one thing that no one has mentioned yet is fellowship. Being connected with my brothers and sisters for the purpose of worshiping our Father is an enormous part of corporate worship for me. If I'm not connected or if I'm upset with someone in some way, I just can't worship properly. Ooh, sounds kind of like a scripture, huh? :-)

Darla said...

That IS a good question. I have been off dealing with prom and stuff so I am coming at this a little late but you said I could respond still.

For me it IS the song service. And I love it when I go to Sugargrove and the leader (with so much spirit) leads from one song to the next with hardly a pause just a change of screens and the congregation follows. I think this is such an important part of our daily worship. Often it is the songs we sing on the first day of the week that sing in my head for the rest of the week and help keep me focused on good things.