Monday, June 30, 2008

Keeping Our Eyes Open

Over the weekend, I got to spend two hours visiting with my Jackie. What a blessing! We usually don't get much more than a "Hello" at church but this time - two uninterrupted hours of just us. God knew I needed it! At one point I mentioned my friend Esme and how her family is going back to South Africa to open a Christian school in a poverty stricken city. I mentioned that this is what they feel called to do. Jackie said that she didn't know what her calling was and I agreed in feeling the same way.

On the way back yesterday, I thought about that some more. How many of us know what we have been called to do here on earth? Sure, we know our jobs that we do to earn a living but what about our specific roles in the kingdom of God? Honestly, I have NO idea what God has for me to do and it is frustrating some days. I feel like I should be doing something but I have no idea what it is.

It is easy for me to see where other people's talents lie but I struggle with seeing my own. Maybe that is the point. We need to look out for each other to help point in the right direction. In my running, I've thought a lot about how well I did in Jr. High. I was running seven minute miles (which now seems very fast) without any coaching or training. I was one of the top five in my grade level. How come the coaches didn't encourage me to do something with that? How come they just let me pick something menial to do but never even suggested that I pursue something that I was good at? Maybe I could have been really good if someone would have taken the time to work with me on it. Maybe I would have loved it then like I do now. I look back and that is 14 years that I lost because no one stepped up to point out something that I was good at and mentor me to better that skill. And that is just running!

Are we the same way? Do we see talents in others, just notice it, and walk on? Or do we take time to try to help each other grow a gift from God to be used for God? Do we see where others can be used and ignore it or do we step up to help each other learn to use their gifts from God?

I know what I would appreciate!

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