Friday, June 06, 2008

A Post for Dad

From before I can remember, Dad has been a subscriber to National Geographic. I've never really gotten into it or understood it. Every time I looked at an issue (which wasn't often), it was to see the cool pictures. At work, I've often used some of their films to show my students the interesting animals that are a rarity in our world.

Now that I am on my own and have a wide range of cable channels, I often find myself watching the National Geographic channel. It isn't something that I seek out but if I'm looking at the guide and something catches my eye, I flip over or DVR it. I've learned that there are quite a few very cool things to watch. There is one show called "Is It Real?" that explores folklore and tales for validity. On my DVR right now is about an archaeological dig and finding as they relate to Stonehenge. Ever since Dr. Long's class at LCU, I've been interested in archeology. It is SO interesting to see what culture was like. National Geographic does such an amazing job on sharing these things in easy to understand levels.

Through watching several shows, I've learned that I am a two-faced fan of National Geographic. I am intrigued by their findings in the natural and archaeological worlds but I have a hard time watching anything they do related to the Bible. I've tried to watch a few things but I end up getting upset or just frustrated. I'm confused by this. How can I take such a trusting view of so many subjects and then reject so much of what they say about biblical findings? If feels hypocritical to like one aspect and disregard another. I guess looking at truth through skeptical eyes makes me skeptical about the source.

I think I'll stick with Stonehenge for now.

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