Tuesday, July 10, 2007

What Dreams May Come

While I loved being in Denver, I am finding coming back to "real life" a little bit difficult. It's one of those things that just happens when you get away, I guess. You know, the grass is always greener...

Lately, it has come to my attention that I have a tendency to view things a little bit unrealistically. I've been told that I have read too many books and seen too many movies. I have expectations about how people and life should be. I don't think they are too far fetched but lately, I have been doubting myself. I believe that life should have a driving force and be full of passion (not necessarily romantic passion but love for something and strong conviction). I believe that there are men out there who can tastefully pursue a lady. While being "one of the guys" can be great, there is a place in me that wants the friendship but also more. I believe that decisions should be made with purpose and meaning - not just because that's where the wind blows. I dream of things that I would love to do but they all seem so far out of my reach.

Maybe my head is in the clouds and I need to get it back down to earth. But for now, isn't it nice to just dream of what life like that would be like if....


Alissa said...

If you don't have dreams, what is the point! You will never strive for greatness if you never dream of being great...Keep dreaming, Dana, that is exactly what I adore about you!

Jeff said...

I used to have a recurring dream that I was in a very public place and suddenly realized I was naked and couldn't hide. (Sorry for the mental image!) Some dreams should NEVER come true.

andrew said...

In part, dreams are what keep us going in life. The passion we feel about something is what pushes us to fulfill that desire. And you are right ... there must be an intent and purpose for what we do.