Saturday, October 11, 2008

Ministry Opportunity for All of Us

Today was Abundant Joy - an area wide women's conference that was held at West Houston. One of our keynote speakers was sharing a story about a time when she was having a hard time making ends meet financially and had been praying for help with her car payment. A lady called and offered to take care of it for her. Initially, our speaker turned the help down but quickly called the woman back and accepted. The woman started crying with gratitude for allowing her to help out. It was at this point in the story that she said, "There is ministry in letting other people minister to you." My mind jumped two places at the same time (funny how it can do that!).

First, HOW TRUE! I have been on both sides of this statement. I have needed help so badly and not known how to get it when God supplies it unexpectedly. To accept it is hard - especially when it feels like you have brought your current situation upon yourself. Yet, here you are being blessed by the ministry of someone else. At another time, I was so steeped in self pity that I needed to get outside of myself and help someone else. They will never know it but by letting me help them, they ministered to my spirit. They allowed me to serve instead of wallow. It is a hard thing to do but if someone is willing to open themself up to being helped, they are serving more than they are receiving. I am in the process of learning to stop rejecting help and blessings from others for this very reason. It is more blessed to give than receive. I am learning to bless others by allowing them to help me. We need each other and cannot do this thing called life alone!! I have no doubt that everyone can relate!!! It truly is a win-win situation. You might even say that it is a win-win-win situation because both parties are ministered to and God is glorified. (Sorry but I had to throw in an inside joke with a spiritual twist for those of us that are fans of The Office).

My second thought went to one of our own. Always wanting to serve others and put herself last. Working so hard and carrying so much without wanting to bother anyone. Here is a word of truth spoken directly over you with all of my love - "There is ministry in letting people minister to you!" I pray that this is a ministry that you can let yourself take part in very soon. I pray it is a ministry that we can ALL take part in very soon...

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