Monday, October 13, 2008

Breathing Easier

A few weeks ago, I noticed an announcement on our website that the superintendent of our district wanted to have an open genuine discuss about the future of the school I work with. All community members and staff were invited to attend. This has been a bit scary because there have been some scary rumors floating around. It is a known fact that there is a board member who has been pushing to tear our school down and sell our land for district profit. We are an old facility in need of much love so of all the rumors we have heard, this one sounded very plausible. Tonight was the meeting....

Thankfully, the plan is to completely rebuild our campus! It may not be for a few years and there are some major bumps in the road but we aren't going anywhere. There are some major decisions still to be made - make up of the student body (K-5th vs. K-8th), the type of school it will be (regular, charter, or magnet), where on our property to build, possible sell of some of our land, etc. We are just SO blessed by the amount of support that came out for our campus! Our school is a WONDERFUL place but the love of the community was overwhelming. It made for a LONG day (got home at 9:45 tonight) but we are all sleeping easier. What a blessing!


Mindi Tipps said...

Maybe you can put in a request for a spa in the teacher's lounge since they're rebuilding anyway! =)

Hol said...

I'm so glad that the rumors have been put to rest, and that you won't have to worry about your job. God really makes things clear doesn't He?

jenn said...

glad things went so well!

~i haven't read blogs in a while and just read yours about the 10 year reunion...I was in your shoes exactly at the approach of my 10 year; single, no kids... and nervous about the judgment or possible criticism or just being the odd man out. I wasn't the only one not married without kids. And I found my self truly blessed to have no husband AND no kids, some just had kids... either a divorce or just always been a single mom, and i think that would be more difficult than what we have. God's timing is impeccable and plans are so beautiful when followed through on his time!
hang in there girlie, I love you

The Johnsons said...

I know you feel tons better! And while I like Mindi's idea of a spa in the teacher's lounge - I think my first request would be a window that doesn't lead and carpet without stuff growing underneath it. But whatever. : )