Saturday, November 03, 2007


About a year ago, I found a book by Frank Warren called PostSecret. I was intrigued and opened it up. In the front of the book, I found that Mr. Warren started a project as a community art project. He had people anonymously send in self decorated postcards sharing their deepest secrets. No names, all secrets. News got out about it and he started receiving hundreds of thousands of post cards. He compiled them and published them in a book. On Monday, the fourth book in the series is going to be released.

I am SO drawn to these books! Some secrets are silly and fun while others will break your heart. Some are disturbing while others make you grin cheek to cheek. What is so freeing about sharing secrets and reading someone else's? I guess it is an unburdening of the soul. Maybe the thought of "Oh! It's not just me!" or "Wow! Maybe I don't have it so bad after all." Maybe it is the joy of sharing the best news you have heard today but you can't.

There is a blog that he posts every Sunday with new postcards that he has received. I thought long and hard about whether I should link it or not because of the nature of some of the post cards. I decided to do it. If you decide to look at it, I hope you are as drawn in as I am. Talk about a look into the human soul!



Darla said...

Amazing! I went there and checked out the site. It can draw you in. I could see how the book could be interesting.

Now I am considering it as a sketch book assignment, to decorate a postcard and write something on it about themselves and drop it in a closed box with a slot in it without their names on it. The best assignment so far was the one that I asked them to write something to me and decorate the page.

Thanks for the link.

Jaci said...

I saw that site on a message I go too. It was an awesome site!! I didnt know they actually had books about them!!! I will have to check that out. Thanks for sharing. Looked at the website a few months ago (before we left hawaii) and been wanting to go to it again but forgot the address.