Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Resembling Him

At Bible Study last night, Beth shared this quote with us by Ray Steadman:

When, because of your faith, your life too becomes perceptibly different; when your reactions are quite opposite to what the situation seems to call for and your activities can no longer be explained in terms of your personality; that is when your neighborhood will sit up and take notice. In the eyes of the world, it is not our relationship with Jesus Christ that counts; it is our resemblance to him.

This has become one of my new prayers: That my actions, words, and reactions can only be explained by whose I am, not who I am.


Darla said...

That reminds me of what I used to tell my children as they would leave the house without me.

"Remember who you are and WHOSE you are."

I always hoped they understood and if I was a good mother they did.

Mindi Tipps said...

I got goose bumps!

Amy said...

That's my Dana! Back to center and going strong!!