Sunday, November 11, 2007

My Piece of Heaven

Tomorrow, we are starting a two week unit of study on Thanksgiving and the Pilgrims. I'm pretty excited. That is one thing that I really enjoy about the switch to first grade. We get to actually enjoy the various times of the year. The only downfall to it is that I am having to rebuild my classroom and read aloud library. Since I don't have many Thanksgiving books, I made a Barnes and Noble run tonight and got a few. Yea for the Educator's Discount!

I know that some of you are Borders fans but I am not. I find them to be crowded, busy, and cold. I LOVE Barnes and Noble! It is slower and quieter. It is inviting and warm. It is the perfect place to unwind and relax. As a book lover, I literally get lost in there for hours. It is the ultimate escape for me. I turn the cell phone to silent and move from book to book, slipping in and out of genre, realities, and interests. There are entire worlds in there to discover and nothing to disturb the beauty of it all. There is nothing like the quiet joy of the written world.

In heaven, I look forward to a room filled with the original scrolls to peruse with the ones who wrote them and the One that inspired them.

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