Sunday, September 23, 2007

What to do? What to do?

When I accepted a job in 1st grade, there were many things that I knew I would have to adjust to. Lower reading levels, lay off the sarcasm, more shoe tying....However, one thing that I did not expect was a class of theological discussions. So far this year, I have had to break up two heated discussions on whether Jesus was a man or just a spirit. On another day, I asked the students to tell me everything that they know about their body. The first student I called on stated that we are all made from dirt, God made us alive, and we will be dirt again when we die to be with God. Let me reiterate - 6 years old!

My district has a policy that we are under no circumstances allowed to share our own beliefs. I have also been told by administration that we are to stop any discussions about religion in the classroom. I have NEVER had my hands so tied. In the past, I could share my beliefs if asked and with the stipulation that I make it very clear that they are my own personal beliefs. The other day, I had to tell kids to stop talking about God. I had to tell them that God is for home, not school. As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I felt like I had been kicked in the stomach. I said prayers of forgiveness right then and there. In the past, I flew under the radar but this year, my assistant principal's son is in my class and he happily shares his day with his parents. There is no way to fly that low.

How should I address this without getting in trouble yet, not kill my conscience?


Alissa said...

I don't really have an answer for you, but ... what an amazing dilemma to have!! Praise God for being in your classroom!

The Johnsons said...

If a kid asks you a question, answer it. If you hear kids talking about God, let them talk. So your administration might reprimand you - at least you'll have a clear conscience. You could come sleep on our couch! But seriously, don't let them hold you back from living out your faith and Christ's love. It's who you are. And you are a better person for it.

Jackie said...

I'm with g and e.

Your loud, awesome faith in Christ is a part of you that makes you you. It glorifies God. I've always been impressed with that about you. dana, when you stand before God, what will He have had you do?

You can come stay with me.

Mindi Tipps said...

I have to agree whole heartedly with Erin and Jackie. I couldn't have said it better myself. Do what's right, no matter how hard that is! You are amazing and I'm proud to be your friend!

jenn said...

i agree with the others, dana. It's a hard thing to do and Jesus did tell us to abide by the authorities, "give to Ceasar what is Ceasar's". BUT He was also with Daniel in the Lions' den because he didn't bow down and pray as the king directed and He was with shack, rack and benny in the furnace for not bowing down to the king. When the authorities are agaionst gotta be with God!

and if you get tired of living with Jackie or erin and gregg, you can come stay with me :)

Alissa said...

I think Jenn is watching too much Veggie Tales!! Ha!

Amy said...

What a proud mom I am to read such comments about you in this post!!Everyone who knows you sees this as an impossibility because of WHO you are; your life screams the reality of God and your love for Him, and to stifle that will kill part, if not all, of who you are as His child.

Oh yeah, I have a bed or two open as well....