Monday, September 10, 2007

Revelation in Church

I was in worship this weekend and I had a revelation. Somewhere along the way, I lost my joy. Sure, there have been moments of brilliant laughter or even happy moments in time, but overall, I am not joyful anymore. I'm not sure when it happened but here I am. I remember when I was able to find the silver lining in any cloud no matter how gray. Truth be told, I've not been that person in a while. I've turned into someone that I can't say I'm too thrilled with. I complain more than I used to and I'm always looking forward to what comes next. You know, the grass is greener..... As a result, I feel different in myself. Not as sure as I once was. More timid and less confident. One of my goals for this year is to refocus and return to joy. I want to be more of who I was and less of who I am. I want to be joyful and thankful for the here and now. I want to find the good in all things and all people. I want to appreciate this exact moment. I want to be upbeat and fulfilled in this place in life.

The world needs more Pollyannas.


Jackie said...

The song "Missing Person' . . I've felt like that for a while now.

Not a good feeling. I miss me too.

Mindi Tipps said...

I'll pray for that joy to come back! You are one of the sweetest people I know! Love ya!