Thursday, February 15, 2007

A Time Such As This

On Saturday night, the young adults are getting together to watch One Night With the King. It is a movie based, very beautifully and accurately, upon the life of Esther. Before we watch it, we are all going to read the book so we can discuss it when we are finished with the viewing. I reread it last night. I know that other people have reached the same conclusion that I am reaching so this isn't anything earth shattering. Just my thoughts on it.

I have been told, and often thought, that I have been born in the wrong time. I would "fit" better some time else. I don't know when but not 21at century America. As I read through the life of this amazing woman, the words of Mordecai resounded through me. "And who knows but that you have come into this royal position for such a time as this?" (4:14) Now I know that I am not royalty and I will more than likely not save an entire nation, but I know that the same can be said true of me. For whatever reason, I have been put here in this place and in this time for a reason. God planned for me to be right here, right now. I don't know what it is and I may never know. The simple thought is breathtaking and humbling at the same time.

Oh for the courage to know and see what God has planned!


Jackie said...

Amen! I haven't a clue why I'm here, now, and the way I am, other than to desperatly serve God. And that's got to be enough. Just wish I could glimpse the whole picture.

jenn said...

i know this is selfish and to some extent it is are here for me!! :) on me new cd that i got yesterday (with you!) there's a song titled "welcome to whereever you are" it talks about not always knowing the why and the how but where you are is exactly where you're suppose to be" we don't have to always know the why even though that is difficult God has a plan for us! i had SO MUCH FUN with you yesterday! i love you!