Sunday, February 04, 2007

Thoughts on a Sunday

During the Lord's Supper today, this thought crossed my mind and it has hung around all day. Thought I would share and see what you think.

I know with absolutely certainty that Christ knew the pain he would have to endure when he came to Earth. The knowledge of being separated from the Father must have been a terrifying thought. But did he know how badly the physical pain would hurt? Having never wrapped himself in our flesh, did he have any clue what the beating and breaking would feel like? I imagine that the first time he hit his thumb with a hammer in Joseph's workshop was a bit surprising. I wonder if he fast forwarded in his mind to the beatings after the Mount of Olives. Did he swallow the lump in his throat when he realized that a cross is a more damaging than a hammer? Was he afraid of the physical torture as he sweat like blood in prayer? I know the meaning behind it was worse than the actual bodily harm but did he have a clue from heaven's side of birth?

It's humbling!

1 comment:

jenn said...

it drives be crazy when i hear people say that He willingly took the cross. He didn't go willingly, He beg for it to not have to happen, and when was sweating blood. i have always thought of the spiritual pain, but not until recently did i ever think of his physical pain. Todd Agnew had a new CD out around Christmas and the tiltle track "Did You Know" made me think of that kind of pian. The song asks questions such as... did the corss cast a shadow ov'r your cradle? did you shutter each time your hammer struck a nail? ~that one ALWAYS gets me. good thoughts dana