Sunday, February 25, 2007

Just Me

The interview question that drives me up the wall is "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" I understand that the interviewer is attempting to see if you have goals and what your priorities are. Let's be are going to answer whatever they want to hear to get the job. Besides, there really is no telling what your life will be like tomorrow let alone 5 years later. What is wrong with today? What is wrong with learning who you are and living in the here and now? I don't see anything wrong with it. So....after months of thought and searching, here is who I am and what I am like right now. Some are silly and some are not. Hope you like me!

  • I am a word person. Books, lyrics, quotes...I love them all! Book Clubs and Bible Studies. What a great way to spend your time!
  • I am a singer who hates to perform. I prefer the background, behind the scenes rolls. I like to make others look good.
  • I believe that passion is contagious. Find yours and share it with others. Just make sure it is your own and not what you caught from someone else.
  • I believe that reading changes your life. If you can't read, it hurts not only your academic growth but your self esteem as well.
  • I believe that people deserve 2nd, 3rd, 8th, and 12th chances. I need them!
  • I believe that relationships (every kind) go both ways. No relationship can work if one person does all of the work.
  • I love greens and browns. They are colors of life and beauty. They are calm and peaceful.
  • I believe that once you have loved someone, you never completely stop. They stay in that special piece of your heart that is reserved for them. That is why the heart is the strongest muscle in the body. It continually grows and makes room for others while never forgetting the good stuff. It keeps you alive and kills bitterness.
  • I believe that you should have as many windows open as you can. It lets the outside in.
  • I believe that whenever someone calls you names or is ugly to you, it isn't always about you. Sometimes people need to vent and it just lands on you. Learn the difference before getting your feelings hurt.
  • I believe that the reason we get stressed out is because we care too much. If we didn't care, we could brush it off and walk away.
  • I believe that you should have to actually use your Bible in church. Preachers should make you flip to follow along.
  • I believe that just because you are alone, that isn't always a bad thing. How else are you going to get to know yourself if you are always surrounded by others? Take time out just for you.
  • I believe that eating out is best saved for special occasions. It should be a treat. Besides, what is wrong with a home cooked meal?
  • I believe that there are special relationships that are worth holding on to. They are worth fighting for even if other people don't understand why. They are special.
  • I believe that airports are magical places. People coming and going on vacations and business trips. It is a place of anticipation and hopeful plans. They are the best waiting rooms in the world!
  • I believe that diversity of people is what makes this world a beautiful place.


Amy said...

Dana, this is a wonderful blog! I could comment on every point you make, but I expecially like the one about loving someone forever and passion... you are a most passionate woman yourself, and people love that about you.

I love everything about you, but I'm your mom! :)

andrew said...

Great thoughts...So here are a could of mine.

1) Yes, we were made to love people. Once we have done so it is hard to stop loving them. That is why I believe there are different types (levels) of love. That way we can care in different ways and have varied relationships. Even those to whom we have given of our most intimate feelings will always have a special place in our hearts.

2) There are special relationships that we have in our lives that will always stay with us. These are those with people that we had a bond that was not necessarily one that was romantic. An example for me would be mine with Debbie Lamb. If you will recall she and I grew up together. From 6th grade through high school we were always together in homeroom and alphabetically. Even at graduation we sat next to each other and walked the stage one after the other. We had a few dates in high school but we were just good friends. I miss her and wonder what became of her.

The Johnsons said...

I love this blog! And I have a few more I could add about you being so wonderful!