Thursday, July 24, 2008

From a Distance

I'm terrible about keeping in touch with people. I try to but I'm not anywhere as good as I should be. I love my friends (both new and old) and they leave such a lasting impression on who I am. There are very specific faces that my mind's eye sees in various times in my life. You give me the stage in life and I will tell you who I was closest to. Even if I don't touch base as often as I should, I treasure each one SO dearly in my heart. My biggest fear is that once life moves people on, I will be forgotten about or left behind. But it is a fact of life. That is what happens when life moves on. People establish new relationships and continue growing.

Somehow, that doesn't make it feel any better when you realize that you have been left behind as the group moves on together without you.


jenn said...

Dana, I don't think you could ever be forgotten!!!! at least not by me. I think that even if a group moves on without an individual or part of the original group, that person is still rememberer and thought about! now you may have to remind me of this in the future. Hope your week of packing is going well, good luck with the move!

The Johnsons said...

We'll talk later - but I did want you to know I saw your post and was thinking/praying for you. I heard it in your voice last night but since you didn't say anything I figured you didn't want to talk about it (fyi - why I rambled about nonsense - to keep you on the phone). Will call you later this afternoon on my way over with boxes and suitcases! I love you.

Mindi Tipps said...

I don't know what to say Dana. Jeff and I sure do love you and treasure our friendship with you. I will be praying for you.

Jaci said...

just know that I always think of you .. atleast once a day!!! I miss you so much and think you are one of the sweetest people on earth!!! Hope to see you soon!!! Will be thinking and praying for ya. =)