Today was the last day for us with kids. It was fast and furious but we all survived. We were on countdown all day and by the time the buses rolled, we were happily helping them get on the bus a little quicker than normal. Don't get me wrong, I love them all to pieces but anyone who is a teacher knows just how ready we (teachers and students) are for that last bus ride away. We hugged and played and enjoyed being together. I hugged them all and said personal good-byes. Monday is a workday but there will be no little feet to dodge.
Here are a few fun things that happened throughout the day to make me smile:
- As they walked past my door this morning, I overheard one fifth grader say to another, "Here we go, our last day in elementary school! YESSSSS!"
- We watched Herbie Reloaded. At the end, the main characters kiss. Hearing their little voices go "EEWWWWW" is totally worth the rest of the movie.
- Every teacher walks the bus students to the buses. Today, we all stood by the first bus and waved as every one went by. The kids were at the windows waving back and yelling final goodbyes. As soon as the last one was gone, we all broke into applause and laughter for a solid two minutes. It was the best feeling of relief and accomplishment that I have ever had.