Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Why We Pray

Tonight I was reading over Daniel 9 since we are starting it on Thursday night. I found something really beautiful at the end of vs. 18. Daniel, in prayer, simply says:

"We do not make requests of you because we are righteous, but because of your great mercy."

How true is that!? We don't ask things of God because we are wonderful beings. How arrogant and wrong is that!? We ask of God because, in His great mercy, He wants to bless us as we seek Him (and His will) with all of our hearts. THAT is why we pray!


andrew said...

Absolutely right! We ask of God because of what He is to us and not what we are to Him. He loved and card for us first. So we ask, live and serve in response to His love.

Amy said...

Lately, many of my prayers have been in your behalf, that He will bless you in ways you cannot imagine, and lead you to a life full of His service.