Thursday, August 24, 2006


There are times in our lives where we have to make choices. You take a chance, do what you think is the best, and pray that whatever you do is the right thing. You prepare for all possible consequences so there are no surprises. And then you step....

The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.


Jackie said...

In my book, there is a chapter devoted to just that truth; You do the best you can, make the decision and just do it. The responsibility is mine, and I accept it with open eyes. It's called change, and it's a violent, merciless thing. And it's just thhe way it is.
being grown up ain't all cookies, huh?
I love you. Always will.

Cryssy said...

Life is definately not all cookies and creme. But I'm so thankful that the Lord is there to cushion the blows. Trust in Him and in his great all-knowing presense. He is there and he will work everything out for the best whether you agree with it or not. Thankfully He is infinately smarter than we are!

The Johnsons said...

You know that whatever consequences your choices hold - that you, Ms. Dana, can handle them. That's what's so great about you - you are stronger than you realize and have more people that love you than you realize.

Why is it things don't go as we plan? Stinks, huh...

Jaci said...

hey dana!!! kate and leopold .. sometimes you just gotta leap .. or something like that .. take that leap and dont look back .. thats when you start getting in trouble and doubting yourself ..