Saturday, August 19, 2006

The First Law

Newton said that once an object is pushed in a direction, it will continue along its path until something stops it. I think he hit the nail on the head with that one. However, I don't think he developed his theory completely. I think that that pretty much sums up life. Events in our lives continue until BAM! we hit a wall. We stop. Death, moving, fighting, saying good bye. Lately, it seems that just when I think I have run the full course of the moment, another turn is made and I am met with another surprise. Another bomb is dropped and I find myself with my jaw on the floor. I am starting not to be surprised anymore. I'm starting to develop an attitude of "What now?" What a yucky way to live!

If I am right (which I think that I am), maybe the same is true for positive things. Maybe if I start thinking that things could not possibly get any better, they will. Then my attitude will become, "Now what!" Almost like a child on Christmas morning that can't wait to see what is in the next box. This is more like me. This is where I live and breathe. This is where my heart finds home. It is time to come home.


Cryssy said...

Yes, I agree. It really does work "count your blessings name them one by one." Also realizing that God never said that you would ever have anything you wanted. I learned with Gabe that each moment and every second has a choice of be happy with what you have (in his case, his very life) or you can wallow in the misery of it all. It really is totally your choice and if you stop to count the blessings you have there is really no choice for a God-fearing person than to smile and thank God for each.

Jackie said...

The thing about stuff good/positive happening to me is this: When is the ball gonna drop? Pretty sad, huh? Robert alwys tells me that i need to stop and remember everything God has done, but I've been burned so many times . . . well, you know.
Keep 'yer chin up. That look works for you.

The Johnsons said...

Remember the blog/emails/phone calls where I say you are the strongest person I know... You continue to amaze me with decisions you make about how to handle things. Even when you know you've made a wrong choice, you acknowledge it and change. What good things lie ahead of you - just for the simple fact you have made the choice to acknowledge them. I love you and hope to be more like you every day. Not to put you on a pedastool, but the fact that you're human with faults and corrects them openly, I admire you even more.

Amy said...

Could I please take this literally that you'll be coming HOME, like - here, to see me; I promise I'll protect, pamper, caudle and indulge your every wish if you'll come sleep in your bed and watch movies with me and maybe just talk about fun stuff, and - oh, well, you get my drift!! It'll be our secret - well, Dad may figure it out.... okay, I'll stop. :)
(It's pathetic when a grown woman begs, isn't it?!)