Thursday, April 22, 2010

Creepiest Dream Ever

Seriously - I win. This week I had the creepiest dream I have ever had. Some people I have told about it have laughed thinking it funny. Some have shared my my creepy feelings. Yet, others have surprisingly told me they have had a very similar dream. Usually I'm not into dream interpretation but this one has me curious. Here it is:

I'm a part time nanny for a dentist who lives on the first floor and has his practice on the second floor. One day as I'm getting ready to go into work (still a teacher as well as a nanny), my teeth start falling out. So I try to tell someone but every time I talk, the teeth left in my mouth crumble into little pieces. I can't call my assistant principal to tell her I'm not coming in because my teeth are alternately falling out and falling apart. On top of this, the dentist I nanny for won't see me. I don't know why but he won't. So I try to get an appointment and can't.

That is when I woke up. I immediately felt for my teeth. It so wasn't funny. Here it is two nights later and I still remember every vivid detail of the dream. I could feel it all! So creepy!


Amy said...

If you had this dream after our conversation about school yesterday, I would say someone wanted you to keep quiet about things.

Now, I don't know!!!

Mindi Tipps said...

It reminds me of a curse you might find in Harry Potter! :)

Alissa said...

I agree....creepy! :)