Monday, June 29, 2009

Pregnant Questions

Our regular teacher for class is in Kenya for the summer so until he gets back, some of the guys in our class are teaching through the book of James. Yesterday, we were going through James 1:27 - 2:13. Several things really stood out to me to make this an exceptional class. The fact that the presenter was working through it so visibly and honestly that he got choked up that he has to pause really touched me! We discussed the law and used a courtroom analogy to discuss our salvation. (A whole other post in itself but it is a better discussion than a blog.) He had us discuss two questions at our tables. They have been unspoken themes throughout our study of I John and have bled over into James. I would really like to hear what you would have said if you would have been sitting at my table. Here you go:

1. What does the 21st century American church look like?
2. What should the 21st century American church look like?

Please share.... :)


Jackie said...

Wow, we're gonna have to narrow the perimeters here, chick.

The Dad Abides said...

To me, the 21st American church looks like a group of individuals who have taken it upon themselves to save those who don't know the Lord. I'm not saying that everyone is guilty, but it seems to me that rather than following up with people who make the most important decision of their lives, discipling them (which is part of the Great Commission), all we seem to want is to know that the decision was made so that we can move on to the next person. Therefore, the person who made the decision is now like a lost puppy who may never know what it means to grow spiritually and into a relationship with God.

I think that kind of also covers part of the bases that the 2nd question asks. I'm sure I could go in a lot deeper but like you said, it's more of a discussion topic. :)