Thursday, October 01, 2009


I've been think a lot about stewardship over the past few weeks. In every relationship, walk of life, and responsibility I've been given, I am starting to see it all as an opportunity to be a good steward. God has blessed me abundantly and now I need to step up in all areas for His glory. Here are some areas that I have been considering:

- Time - How am I using my time? Is it for the sake of others or for myself? Who benefits from my daily activity and focus? Does my calendar reflect my priorities? Am I honoring the Ancient of Days by making the most of this twinkling of an eye?
- Body - Am I making the most of this body? I have been blessed with full use of my body and mind but am I keeping it in shape? Am I honoring the One who knit me together by what I put in or how I exercise by body?
- Money - Am I being wise in the choices I am making? Am I being responsible with what I have been given? Am I honoring the Giver and Provider with what He has entrusted to me?
- Environment - Am I being the caretaker I have been created to be? Am I doing what I can to take care of my current home (this earth)? Am I honoring the Creator by caring for His creation?

What is all comes down to is honoring Him with all we are and all we've been given. It's amazing how great a task that is when you stop and actually think about it.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I have this quote where I can see it everyday: May all I do and say today honor Christ in every way.
Simple but convicting to me.