Saturday, April 14, 2007

Powerful Prayer

During the study on Daniel, we were able to watch sessions that Beth taught concerned the topics we were discussing. So many were informative and new but others were simply amazing. Below is a piece from Lesson 8. It begins as a quote and then switches into a prayer that closed the session. It is possibly the most humbling, encouraging, empowering thing I have ever heard. I hope it blesses you as it has me.

Whether or not we can comprehend this, we are living in the days of light. We are the light of the world, and this is our era. This is our time on the history line of God.

We keep looking for somebody better to come along. Somebody more fit to take this place in history. We're it! We're it! What will we do? You've got one turn here. I've got one turn here. It's the age of the church - and we're it!


As readers of the signs of the times, we ask "What shall we do with this? What will we do with our place, our dot on the line of history?" We gotta make it count. We gotta make it count.

I pray you help us to cease looking at someone else to do it. We are the church. We're the ones. WE'RE ON.

Fill us. Show us. Direct Us. Bring us to our feet and cause us to LIVE ON PURPOSE.

God, help me live on purpose so when you look over that kingdom calendar, when all is said and done and the new heaven and earth have come, that you'd be able to glance over at our generation and say, "They were really something, weren't they? Satan wanted them real bad but he could not wear them down!"

Let it be said. In Jesus' name, Amen


andrew said...

I've always felt that what we do for God and in our lives should be with intent. Our actions towards those outside of Christ should be with the expressed intent of being an example and sharing the gospel. We should do everythignwith the intent of spreading the kingdom.

Amy said...

I need to read this every day. It is as beautiful as you said.