Monday, April 23, 2007


I haven't blogged in a while so I thought I would steal this idea from someone else. Here are some little things about me.

  1. I can't snap with my right hand. Snapping in one of only two things I do left handed. The other is shoot a gun.
  2. When I am in the shower and the phone rings, I think it is the fire alarm every time. One day I will learn.
  3. Some days I have a hard time getting out of bed. I call these my "Clean, Dry, Dressed" days. I only have time to shower, dry off, and get dressed. I'm not too proud of that.
  4. Each day that I become more confident in my abilities as a teacher, I am humbled by how much more I have to learn. There are some amazing, naturally talented professional men and women out there!
  5. My apartment is very messy right now (specifically the extra room). Not dirty and gross - just messy. It's hard to get motivated to straighten up when no one ever comes over. Really... The last person to see the apartment besides me was Erin. That was right after Mom's surgery two and a half months ago! She can tell you that even then, it didn't look the best.
  6. I don't have any clue where I will be after this school year. I've been praying about it and I am more confused today than the day I decided to move. Six applications are out and now I pray. I don't like this gray area.
  7. Lately all of my dreams have faucets that are running on high and I can't turn them off. The knobs don't work! This is frustrating me!
  8. I have a hard time with jealousy at times. The green eyed monster really likes me on some days!
  9. I haven't used a personal day from work in two years. I can count on one hand the number of days I have missed. They were funerals or doctor visits.
  10. Donuts make my tummy hurt.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Sweet girl - I dreamed about you last night in your new apartment; odd thing, though - Erin was moving in with you!! It had little short doors, and you were very, very happy. Very happy. It stayed on my mind all day; making me happy for you - so maybe your dreams are weird, but mine are hopefully prophetic, pointing to a great, new beginning for you!!