Sunday, April 15, 2012

I've Got a Little Story for Ya, Ags....

I've come to notice that blogging most successfully happens for me on days off. Convenient how I seem to get more done on days off. :) So come Friday morning, I was enjoying lazying on my bed trying to decide what to share with all of you. The choices were between deeper transparency and less revealing surface level things. Since I was having a hard time wording things, I went for the work update you see below. After it was published and shared in the appropriate places, I realized that I hadn't checked my grad school application status in a while. I jumped on to the school's website and was met with these words:

Current Status:Congratulations! You have been admitted to Texas A&M University. We will send your acceptance letter via postal mail.

I could NOT believe my eyes! I was sure that everything was so last minute I wouldn't get in. I can only imagine what my roommates must have thought from the other side of my door. Between the scream, laughter, clapping, and the throwing open of the door, I'm sure they were completely unsure of what was going on. They were so sweet and excited with me. Apparently I wanted it more than I thought!

Then I went to lunch and pedicures with some friends while I waited for America to wake up. Seven hour time differences are not convenient! It was so much fun telling the family about it. They know a Master's degree is something that I've been wanting for a while. I'm so glad I got to tell them because Erin got this in the mail yesterday:
Oh, the lovely maroon and white! I'll be studying Curriculum and Instruction in a completely online program. I'm so excited and cannot wait to get started this fall. Well, maybe I can wait a bit. There are some cool things coming up I don't want to miss. But come September, I'll be ready!


Amy said...

Dad and I are SO proud of your!! You HAVE been wanting this for so long, and that patience has paid off big time!! You will be such a blessing to all those teachers and students your work with using this new knowledge!!

Alissa said...

Congrats, Dana! But I was secretly hoping you were coming back to Aggieland for your degree...I'd love to live close to you again! So proud of you! Gig Em Ags!