Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Following Up

A couple of posts ago, I asked people if there are any unanswered questions in regards to my upcoming move. I know you've all been waiting on pins and needles but even if you haven't, here you go:

Do you know where you'll live?
- I know the area of town that I will be living in. I'll be in a part of the city that is home to many expats. When I get there, I'll have someone to help me find an apartment. This is very exciting for many reasons: For one thing, I'll be surrounded by others who understand the transition to another country. Also, my friend that I lovingly refer to as my recruiter will live there. Finally, not only will I have the opportunity to interact with the Egyptian culture but hopefully a few others as well.

When do you leave?
-August 20th

What special items are you taking to give you a little comfort from home?
- Mainly photos in frames. I'm taking a few other small knick knacky types of things that have sentimental significance (a cross made by a life long friend, a willow tree angel from my sister, etc). That's mainly it.

Do you have any thoughts, questions, anxieties about your spiritual life in Egypt?
- Jen has been so helpful in regards to everything Egypt - including this. She has not sugar coated this aspect of life at all. I am fully expecting this to be one of the most challenging times of my walk with the Lord. This born and bred Bible Belt girl is literally about to enter a whole new world. I'm a bit nervous about it but as with all things Egypt, more excited. I know that with the challenge comes the growth. Jen has a church community there that she has plugged in with and has "introduced" me to some of the girls at the church. It really helps knowing that I already have someone to call as soon as I get there. I am also hoping to have the opportunity to build relationships with those of the Muslim community that I'll be living in.

1 comment:

Mindi Tipps said...

You sounds anxious but excited. I'm excited for you!