Saturday, January 29, 2011

Prayers for Egypt

I'll have to admit that for years I've not kept up with the news. To state the obvious, it is scary and depressing with very little unbias. I've been happy to keep my head in the sand. Then a few months ago, I made the decision to get rid of television all together. Only then did I make two important realizations: 1) It is hard to be relevant when you have NO idea what is going on in the world or in entertainment and 2) You really can get a lot of the news from commercials. In an attempt to be able to carry on a conversation with anyone, I decided to make CNN my homepage. I'm surprised to say this but I'm really glad I did! Especially this past week....

I've been keeping an eye on what has been going on in Cairo. I'm no expert and I most likely can't even hold a decent conversation about it. But I know what is going on - I've seen video and read articles about it. But CNN isn't the only place I'm getting updates. You see, I know someone who lives there. Her name is Jen and she teaches at an international school there. According to a facebook post via her mom (internet is completely down over there right now), she is hunkered down in a friend's second story apartment because there is gunfire outside her first floor apartment windows and teargas. Until the past day or two, she has been removed from the protests and now they are knocking on her door. She has been in contact with the American Embassy but has been told there are 70,000 Americans in Egypt. Her chances of getting out are not looking too good.

So today I ask you to pray for Egypt. Pray for the protesters and the government. Pray that Mubarak will do the right thing. Pray that the nation can withstand this.

But personally, pray for my friend Jen.


The Johnsons said...

This put a pit in my stomach. I'm Praying So Hard Right Now.

Mindi Tipps said...

So scary for Jen and so many others. Praying here too...