Monday, May 10, 2010

No Wonder....

Since I am in the midst of writer's block and it is time to update the blog, you get to read yet another school story. Don't worry, you only have a few more days to have the possibility of reading student stories. :)

I have two third grade girls that I work with for intense math intervention. Last Wednesday, we walked into my room and I noticed that one of them (L) was staring over my head instead of at what was before her on the table. Here is how the conversation went:

L: *deep sigh* I just feel so sorry for them.
Me: For who?
L: (pointing behind me to a nursery rhyme poster) Jack and Jill....
Me: Why?
L: All they wanted was some water. And they got really hurt!
Me: You do know that it is a poem, right?
L: Yes, but I still feel bad for them. Who would you rather be, Jack or Jill?
Me: I don't know, sweetie. What do you think?
L: Jill, definitely Jill. I mean, she just took a tumble. Jack busted his head open. I'd rather scrape my knee than break my skull.
Me: How long have you been thinking about this?
L: All week. That is why I haven't finished the multiplication chart yet.
Me: I see.......


Amy said...

People with "normal" jobs just miss out, don't they?!? Great story!!

Mindi Tipps said...

Gotta love them! And I'm with her- I'd rather be Jill too.

I love your mom's comment. :)