Saturday, May 15, 2010

Glory Be

We all go through seasons of learning in our lives and I wanted to briefly share where I am right now. This theme is being played out in Sunday morning Bible Study, daily recall, and in my reading. I'm not going to spell out the specifics of how it applies to my life as of yet because some of it is still rolling around in my head. I'm sure you will see if unfold as time goes by - at least I hope you will. For now, this is a brief excerpt from John Eldredge's book Waking the Dead. I hope it encourages you:

Back in the beginning of our time on earth, a great glory was bestowed upon us. We all - men and women - were created in the image of God. Fearfully and wonderfully made, fashioned as living icons of the bravest, wisest, most stunning Person who ever lived. Those who have ever seen him fell to their knees without even thinking about it, as you find yourself breathless before the Grand Canyon or the Alps or the sea at dawn. That glory was shared with us; we were, in Chesterton's phrase, "statues of God walking about in a Garden," endowed with a strength and beauty all our own. All that we ever wished we could be, we were - and more. We were fully alive.

I daresay we've heard a bit about original sin, but not nearly enough about original glory, which comes before sin and is deeper to our nature. We were crowned with glory and honor. Why does a woman long to be beautiful? Why does a man hope to be found brave? Because we remember, if only faintly, that we were once more than we are now. The reason you doubt there could be a glory to your life is because that glory has been the object of a long and brutal war.

1 comment:

Amy said...

This is a wonderous concept - thanks for giving me something to think about!!