Saturday, May 19, 2012

Losing Life

Last night at church we sang "I Will Follow" by Chris Tomlin.  It is a song that has significant importance to me.  It was my theme song through the decision process of whether to come to Egypt or stay in the states.  It was the song that was playing when Egypt became a reality.  Every time I hear it, it reminds me that I am right where I need to be.  It is confirmation.  It is calming.  It is peace.

The second half of the chorus goes: 
Who you love, I'll love, 
How you serve, I'll serve, 
If this life I lose, I will follow you

Last night I realized this is a song that will ever evolve for me.  As we sang it I had this thought:  It isn't a matter of IF this life I lose but a matter of WHEN this life I lose.

I think that we are in a time of serious self focus - how to make me happy, how to better myself, how to make life easier for me.  And by we, I include myself.  It's easy to sit back and think about what would be best for me.  What can I say or do to make myself feel good?  What would be fun for me?  What is easy and convenient?  But that isn't what life is about....

When I stop considering others, I don't love.  When I don't consider the consequences of my actions and words, I don't love.  When my time is spent focused on me, I run the risk of not serving.  This life isn't about self focus.  It's about loving others.  It's about putting myself second and seeking the best for those around me. It's about learning to let go of my own desires - sometimes even my own hopes.  It's about sacrifice.  That's what love is.  Letting go of self for the betterment of those around me.

That's what we're called to do - to love, to serve, to shed our selfishness.  

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