Monday, December 26, 2011

Reverse Culture Shock

While I've been living in Cairo, someone there introduced me to the website First World Problems. It's this website that showcases problems only people in Western, developed coutries have. It cracks me up. I also call it the website of brats. Since being back for a visit, I've been so aware of what a brat I sound like and often find myself thinking #firstworldproblem (yes, I think in hashtags sometimes - don't judge). So here are a few things that have stopped me in my tracks:

- I'm up early on the 26th and want to go hit the day after Christmas sales but my money is in the bedroom my parents are sleeping in. Guess I'll have to put off that shopping list and just hang out in my pjs.

- My skin is itchy and dried out from the heater and I don't have any lotion.

- I think in hashtags.

- Well, I can't use Kahula in that recipe and I don't drink coffee. Wait! I can run to Starbucks for a cup! Or McDonalds, or any other place within a two second drive.

- Frustrated at HEB, I couldn't find the exact ingredient I needed while standing with about 15 other options right in front of me.

- I want to make a new cookie recipe but we still have leftovers of two pies and a sheetcake in the kichen.

- All I've done since getting home is eat.

- So which church are we going to go to on Christmas Day?

Yep - I feel like such a brat!

1 comment:

Amy said...

... but you didn't ACT like a brat! I enjoyed every moment with you!!