Monday, September 26, 2011

Lessons Learned in Cairo

- It is possible to become pretty instant friends with some amazing people.
- It is possible to feel the need to protect someone even though you speak two completely different languages.
- It is possible to no longer be surprised by things.
- Sometimes it takes moving around the world to become more clear about what you want to do with your life.
- Sometimes moving around the world shows you that your dreams aren't limited to a place.
- You can break old habits and learn new ones.
- You can keep in touch with the dearest of friends even after you move away.
- You can learn how to use chopsticks in a country with no Chinatown.
- You can learn that uncertainty isn't as scary as you thought.
- Your normal can change but in the end, its OK.

1 comment:

Amy said...

- Sometimes acting on a dream makes people respect you more than they did -

- Sometimes, your mom gets really scared about where this will take you -

and ALWAYS your mom loves you with all her heart!!