Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Persistent or Stubborn

This year I didn't make a New Year Resolution. I know myself well enough to know how that will turn out. Instead, I've been seeking what the Lord will have for me this year. He's been faithful to reveal some threads that are already running through. I know some areas He is choosing to work though in this season. For some, I'm glad they are easy. For others, I'm glad I have a year to see how this will play out because I think they'll take that long to work through.

One of the common threads I've seen is asking God to increase my "want to". Let's just be real here - there are things we all know we need to do but don't really want to. I was talking to a friend of mine on Sunday about an area of my life this applies to. Her response was to ask God to increase my desire to let it go. Unless I want to turn it over, my hands will be firmly grasped around this one desire. Only after I want to let it go will I be able to give it to God. Grrrr..... only because I know she is right.

I find this very convicting and very confusing at the same time. I see in scripture the example of the persistent widow and read verse that tell us to ask, seek, and knock. Then I also see scriptures about dying to yourself to live more as Christ. So how do you know which applies to you? I've wondered this for years and am still wrestling with it. When we are being hopefully persistent and when we are being just downright stubborn? The last thing I want is to be fighting the will of God.

Maybe I'm the only one out there that struggles with this. In a way, I hope so because I would love to learn from your wisdom.

1 comment:

Mindi Tipps said...

I struggle with this very thing too. I am such a selfish person and the "want to" is so hard for me. Maybe God will help both of us work through this this year.