Sunday, April 17, 2011

Ezra 3 - Roots Style

Last fall, it became pretty apparent that I was needing to change Sunday Bible Studies. I had heard about a new one starting up called Roots. I went a few times and knew that I had found the place I needed to be. I've been there about 5 months now and love it.

Currently we are going through the book of Ezra. We are taking two weeks per chapter and discussing the historical and theological lessons we can learn from the Israelites as they returned to Jerusalem to build the temple. We are a very discussion based class. Tonight was no different. We had a lesson in chapter 3 (obviously) in which we discussed the roles of sacrifice and worship. Ezra 3:3 says that the Israelites literally had fear ON them. No one wanted them there and they were in constant danger. So how did the Israelites respond? They did not build walls of protection. They built an alter to sacrifice on and then to worship. They recognized the need for God's protection over what they could physically do themselves. Our discussion questions were really good and very thought provoking. I'll be thinking about them all week long. In case you want to join my pondering, here you go:

1. What about God requires sacrifice?
2. What can God's response to sacrifice teach us about Him?
3. What does it mean that Christ did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped (Phil. 2:5-11)?
4. What did it cost God to humble himself and become obedient to the point of death?
5. In preparation for Holy Week, how does understanding the cost of God's sacrifice inspire you to respond in worship (Romans 12:1-2)?

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