Saturday, August 28, 2010

Class of 2022

Made it through the first week. In some ways, it went great. In others, it was OK. The important part is that everyone survived and the tears were few (4 kids cried this week and I only cried once). I know some people love the first week but I don't. I would like to just get in our routine and get to work. The training and "breaking of the students" is not fun to me at all! I'm a week closer to teaching now! Here are some stats about my class for the 2010-2011 school year:
- 12 boys and 8 girls
- 6 nations are represented in my 20 kids (U.S., Mexico, India, Pakistan, Scotland, and Africa-I know not a nation but I haven't figured it out yet)
- By race, I have 7 White children, 7 Hispanic, 4 African American, and 2 others

Favorite realization of the week:
- According to the getting to know you activities, my class if full of kids that are mathematically minded, artistic, athletic cowboys/girls who love to dance. Yes, they are 6....

1 comment:

Amy said...

Sounds like a good balance from where I sit; hope they settle in soon!! Love the new pic, too!!