Monday, December 10, 2012

Since I Haven't Posted in Five Weeks...

I know.  It's been a while.  Sorry.  Kinda.  It hasn't been entirely my fault.  For five of the past seven weeks we were internet-less.  It is also known as the month in which TE Data became afraid of three white girls.  I'm pretty sure customer service will be using multiple calls we made for training purposes. Not kidding even a little bit.  Once internet came back to us, we got sucked in.  It would make sense to have a massive catch up but in the process of trying to write one, I find myself stumped by having too much to say and not the ability to say any of it.  So instead, here is this.

I have a friend who picks a song of the week.  Its fun.  I think my theme song for the past several weeks has been "I Surrender" by Hillsong.  It's how I start each day because it is only by the grace of God we've made it to this upcoming winter break without breaking.  Not being over dramatic.  It's been tough. That's not right - it's been T.O.U.G.H.  Each day starts with, "OK God, I'm glad you've got this because I sure don't."  Thankfully he's had it every single day and he will continue to do so.

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