We all know family and friends are what I miss most but it isn't the thing that I miss most. The things I miss the most are:
- Convenience (calling a friend whenever I want instead of checking schedules, getting any type of produce at any time of the year, being able to pick things up that I need {oven thermometer, ingredients, things for school, etc}, watching college football with ease)
- Live theater
- Clean air - yes, after this experience, I would classify Houston's air as clean
- Tex-Mex and barbecue
- Green spaces to enjoy being outside
- Rain (no comments, Texas friends - I literally can't remember the last time I saw rain and I hear it's nasty here)
- Organization and predictability
Things I'm enjoying:
- While there is political junk going on, everyday day life is significantly less stressful. I no longer walk around with knots in my back and always feeling like I'm dropping the ball somewhere.
- Not feeling guilty for not having something planned for every night of the week.
- Investing in people/relationships instead of programs
- Traffic is still annoying but so much better when you are a passenger instead of a driver
- Missing the political scene in the U.S.
- Trying new foods
- Being a bit more adventurous than before
- Walking places
- Laughing at myself and everyday life around me - a lot